How we can help

KGI can help your business with all aspects of the total plant life cycle. We can help support site and project development, provide detailed analysis of proposed systems, performance enhancements, and configuration optimization For existing plants KGI can help solve small problems to complex system issues, such as dual fuel reliability, emission challenges, controls upgrades, and much more. For mature plants, contact us to find out how your asset could not only continue to operate, but with improved performance and availability.

Our Resources

KGI draws upon a broad spectrum of engineers with backgrounds in every aspect of power plant design, operations, maintenance, project management, project development, life extension, and performance improvement. Each engineer brings a minimum of 10 years experience. KGI engineers can help you with everything from individual components to total plant systems.

Contact us

Don't hesitate to contact KGI. You'll be surprised at our flexibility, depth of knowlege and problem solving abilities that is hard to find anywhere else. With well over a 1000 years of combined experience, you solution is just a phone call or email away.